
Friday, 27 April 2012

Tartan Stampers Mini Convention

Hi there, have been sooo busy havent had the time to post.   Was at a three day crop with the Tartan Stampers and amongst things we did shoebox swops and scrapbook pages.  For those who dont know what a shoebox swop is we each bring a kit and a sample for people to follow and we go around and make these, we had 26 boxes, several classes of scrapbook pages, mini album, kusadama ball.  It was a ball.  So here is my version of the cards we made.

Sorry girls didnt put on the back whose shoebox it came from so cannot attribute them :(

 only did half a ball as I wanted it for a topper on a box

 this is done on a canvas, think I want butterflies next time

 friends together
 methinks more flowers and a pic is needed
love this as wall art instead of a scrappage

couple missing, when I find them will post them.


  1. What a wonderful concept. My fave is the "hello" card with the orange or coral bird. Looked like a really fun and happy time. Hugs May xox

  2. You have been busy! Love that last scrapbook page and I agree, definitely wall art.

    Susan xx

  3. WOW, they are all gorgeous my favorite is that half ball of flowers, I need to learn how to do this Hint Hint. Really beautiful crds thanks for sharing this!

  4. Love that ball thing...never heard of it though.....nice job and sounds like a lot of fun too....
